Novatel | Services
We are a reliable and innovative provider of technological solutions, focused on delivering top-notch services that support the growth and development of your business. With our commitment to quality, professionalism, and adaptability, we have become a trusted partner to numerous companies.
With the development of networks, VoIP has become a serious competitor to traditional telephony, offering not only significant savings but also many additional advantages.
Novatel MOBIL
Check out our mobile package offerings and choose the one that’s right for you.
We offer internet services for both business and private users, including satellite internet.
A modern intermediary location that manages all telephone communication via a touchscreen interface.
In a modern, computer-supported call center, we help you establish and maintain the best connections with your customers and business partners.
Sending short messages is a quick and efficient way to communicate. If we can do this through a computer, we can even automate the process…
Do you have your own server, but your internet connection isn’t powerful enough? With us, you can rent space for your server, and we will ensure its smooth operation.
We offer hosting for websites, email, and software.
Novatel MiTeam is an advanced digital tool that comprehensively integrates the latest solutions for team collaboration and community engagement, information management, document handling, and interactions with your members, partners, and events, along with video communication, digital learning, and a smart digital content library.
Je popolnoma integrirana rešitev, ki vašim strankam nudi podporo v vašem personaliziranem virtualnem okolju na daljavo. Je preprost za uporabo receptorjev in predvsem vaših strank. Uporaba je možna brez predhodnjih inštalacij na vsaki pametni mobilni napravi.
It is a fully integrated solution that provides your clients with support in your personalized virtual remote environment. It is easy to use for both the receivers and, most importantly, your clients. The application can be used without any prior installations on any smart mobile device.